7 Signs To Tell If He Is Cheating

Think your boyfriend might be cheating? First of all, don't get paranoid for no good reason. Obsessively checking his phone and Facebook profile are signs of crazy girlfriend, not cheating boyfriend. But what if your guts is telling you he is being unfaithful? If three or more of the following are true,  there is a good chance that he is a cheater......

1.  He suddenly seem more distant: If he's gone cold then something is wrong. But its might be school, work or family problems, so before you assume its another girl, ask him what is on his mind.

2. He snaps at you for no good reason:  did he lose his temper just because you mentioned one of his female friends or ask him what he did during the weekend when you were away? Its probably because he got guilty conscience, and instead of coming clean, he's getting defensive.

3. He's getting all soviet union on you:  If he is being extra secretive about stuff-- like changing his password or flipping out when you try to look over his shoulder and he's never acted that way before, he's probably hiding something.

4. He changes his style: If he does something drastic with his hair or clothing, well, maybe he just want to know what he looks like with a fauxhawk--or maybe he's trying to impress someone new.

5. He makes up lame excuses for not hanging out with you: If he keeps late night all the time something's up. This doesn't give you the right to cross examine him every time he goes 12 hours without seeing you, but if his lame excuse becomes an habit, its for a reason.

6. He cheated on his last girlfriend: The saying once a cheat always a cheat isn't necessarily true, but if he has been disrespectful to girls in the past, there's no reason why he wouldn't disrespect you too.

7. He told you he wants to see other people:  If he says this phrase to you, then its guaranteed that he's got an"other person" in mind. Don't try to work out some friends with benefit deal with him. If you want an exclusive relationship, then you shouldn't settle for anything less.
